All about digital transformation

All about digital transformation

  Digital transformation is not just a big buzzword but often misunderstood  term in IT. Lets try to understand it better. Q: What is digital transformation? A: Digital transformation is a comprehensive process that involves integrating digital technologies into...
Six digital transformation mistakes

Six digital transformation mistakes

Embarking on the digital transformation journey feels like navigating through the unpredictable waters of technology. Unfortunately, many organizations find themselves stranded in confusion and chaos due to some amusing yet common mistakes. Let’s take a look at...
The Saga of AI-Based Cybersecurity Adventures

The Saga of AI-Based Cybersecurity Adventures

Welcome to the cybersecurity circus, where the entrance of artificial intelligence (AI) was supposed to be the superhero we needed. However, despite its potential cape-worthiness, AI-based cybersecurity finds itself entangled in a web of challenges. Join me for a...
What is the digital maturity of your organization?

What is the digital maturity of your organization?

Evaluating how digitally savvy your organization is can be a real head-scratcher. And if that’s not enough, coming up with a fancy framework to figure it out is like trying to teach a cat to tap dance. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but plenty of...